Nick's Barber Shop

Nick's Barber Shop
6735 Conroy Windermere Rd #112
Orlando, FL
Tel: (407) 223-1967
Traditional barber chairs in a modern shop setting. There are four male barbers, ranging in age from early 20s to late 40s. I went after reading good reviews online. The place is walk-ins only. I was a little nervous when I got the youngest barber, Danni (as young barbers are not usually that proficient at flat tops). I told him I wanted a high and tight flat, and he set to work after verifying skin on the sides. He started by clearing the sides with his edgers - used the foil razor, then hot lather and straight razor. He was phenomenal at the fade from skin to the top. The top was left fuller than I prefer, but he did a great job getting it flat. I don't think he does many flats, so I didn't risk asking him to take the top down more. I was pleased with the result. There's a great atmosphere in the shop. All the barbers wear matching maroon barber smocks, and they all seemed very skilled. It seems like you take whichever barber comes up. You take a number when you go in. Even regulars were not waiting for a specific barber. The price was very reasonable, only $16. I didn't have time to try the hot towel shave.
Submitted 4 Dec 2016 by Clipperaddict

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